Fasteners manufacturing

Fasteners of all sizes, strength and types of surface treatments

Fasteners have been one of the foundations of ESMA’s business since the beginning of 1951, and are still one of our biggest areas. Our manufacturers and suppliers provide you with everything from micro screws to large reactor tank screws, fasteners with a wide range of strength classes, thread systems, materials and many types of surface treatments for corrosion protection and friction control.

Technics for manufacturing fasteners

There are three main technics for making fasteners: Cold forming, hot forming and cutting processes.

The most common technics is cold forming, a process that reworks the part in cold condition, in several steps with possible post-processing. The production rate is high and is suitable for large series.

Hot forming means that the material is heated and reformed in a press. The method does not give as precise tolerances and high production rates as cold forming, but lower tooling costs and the ability to produce larger dimensions make this manufacturing method sometimes preferred. Post-processing of certain properties is often necessary.

The third major technics, cutting processes, is very flexible and suitable for smaller series but has a higher cost because material is shed during the processing instead of being transformed. The fatigue strength also becomes somewhat lower because the material’s tension is not maintained as in the cold and hot forming process.

Sizes, strength measurements, surface treatments and locking systems


ESMA supplies screws from M1 and upwards.

Strength in fasteners

The strength of a component is decided by materials and heat treatments. ESMA supplies fasteners with more strength than 12.9 and a tensile strength of over 2000 N / mm2.

Surface treatment for rust protection and friction control

ESMA has contacts and subcontractors to offer all types of surface treatments in Europe and Asia, ranging from simple galvanization to, for example, zinc flake treatments.

Thread lock and thread seal

We would be happy to assist you in providing the fasteners with locking to prevent unloading and sealing to prevent leakage. Micro capsulated systems, Klemm-tight and Klemm-lock are examples of solutions we offer our customers.


We deliver fasteners to small companies active in medical technology all the way to large vehicle groups. From standard screws to high-strength drawing components for critical applications.

ESMA’s network of manufacturers

We have had more than sixty years to gather a network of really good manufacturers and suppliers of fasteners around the world. We have manufacturers for all kinds of materials, manufacturing methods, surface treatment and quality requirements.

Some of our partners

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